GP-4 Silver Plus gun is made in China,it is similar of Graco 243283 or 246240 ,whihc is widely used in the industry.
Silver Plus gun is well known for its durability, long life, spraying performance, and comfortable design. It is ideal gun for high pressure industrial applications.
This spray gun can be used with any brand airless paint sprayer like Graco,Titan,Wagner,ASM,Airlessco etc.
Fluid flows directly to the tip through the gun fuild tube – ability to spray heavier materials such as high solid coatings and mastics at up to 5000 psi (345 bar, 34.5 MPa),also can reduce parts worn like gun needle and spring.
Reverse-Clean airless spray tip design to reduce downtime caused by frequent tip plugging 5000 psi fluid rating for spraying the toughest materials
Typical applications include rail car manufacturing; ship and barge construction; bridge, tank, and water tower painting; farm and construction machinery manufacturing; and industrial metal structures fabrication.
Please learn more airless spray gun from below link
Categories: Airless Accessories, Airless Paint Spray Guns, Airless Paint Sprayers & Accessories, Graco Tags: 246240, Airless Accessory, Graco, Graco 243283, Graco Silver Gun